Model 110054 54" Alum. Super Air Knife

EXAIR's Super Air Knife is the most efficient compressed air knife on the market and our most popular design. It
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EXAIR's Super Air Knife is the most efficient compressed air knife on the market and our most popular design. It delivers a uniform sheet of laminar airflow across the entire length with hard-hitting force and the lowest operating cost. It is engineered to dramatically reduce compressed air usage while entraining ambient air at a ratio of 40:1. Noise levels are greatly reduced when compared to other blowoffs. Available from stock 3" to 108" long and made from aluminum, Type 303 stainless steel, Type 316 stainless steel and PVDF to meet your application needs. Custom sizes and materials available. EXAIR Air Knives offer an efficient way to clean, dry or cool parts, webs or conveyors as well as acting as an environmental separator or air curtain.
Manufacturing Intelligent Compressed Air Products Since 1983