EXAIR's award winning Super Air Nozzles deliver high performance suitable for a wide range of blowoff, drying and cooling applications. The aerodynamic design of this engineered Super Air Nozzle directs the air to a single point of convergence and can cut the noise level in half. All Super Air Nozzles eject the compressed air through holes located in recessed grooves that can not be blocked or dead ended. Available in Zinc/aluminum alloy, Type 316 stainless steel or PEEK thermoplastic.
Stay Set Hose - For applications where frequent repositioning of standard force Air Nozzles or Jet is required, the Flexible Stay Set Hoses™ are ideal. Simply mount the hose in close proximity to the application and bend it to aim the airstream at the target. Since the hose has “memory”, it will not creep or bend. It always keeps the aim until physically moved to the next position.
Swivel Fittings - make it easy to adjust the aim of the Air Nozzles and Jets. Correct placement of the blowing angle can help optimize performance, reduce noise levels and improve efficiency. Swivel Fittings permit a movement of 25 degrees from the center axis for a total movement of 50 degrees. Type 303 or 316 Stainless Steel.
Magnetic Bases - are suited to applications where frequent movement of the Air Nozzle or Jet is required. The powerful magnet permits horizontal or vertical mounting that will hold the blowing position of the Stay Set Hose. A shutoff valve is provided that can be used to vary the force and flow.
Air Nozzles use the Coanda effect to amplify compressed airflow up to 25 times or more. Compressed air is ejected through a series of nozzles on the outer perimeter. As the air travels along the outer wall of the nozzle, surrounding air (blue arrows) is entrained into the stream. The airstream that results is a high volume, high velocity blast of air at minimal consumption. The air is always ejected so it can vent safely, well below OSHA dead end pressure requirements, should the nozzle end be blocked.