Knowledge Base

Welcome to the EXAIR Knowledge Base. This valuable resource includes extensive information to help you better understand the EXAIR products and use of compressed air while assisting you with your application.


Visit the Application Database to see over 1000 real world solutions on how other companies have successfully solved their cooling, cleaning, coating, conveying, drying, industrial housekeeping, static elimination, and compressed air optimization problems. You can search by application or industry.


The CAD Library contains over 60 native CAD file extensions for EXAIR products including 2D and 3D options.


Our Case Study Library provides in depth information about money saved or production improvements realized once an EXAIR product was installed. A real before and after success story!


Browse through our FAQs and learn what every inquisitive mind wants to know. This questions and answer format is sorted by product line.


Download a catalog section or Installation and Maintenance Guide for any of our products using the PDF Library.


See the money savings you can achieve by visiting the Calculator Library. Money values are shown in US Dollars and Euros.


Show your managers or co-workers information and benefits of EXAIR products using these Slide Presentations.


EXAIR has a huge Videos library from how products perform to “How To” videos to product line overviews. Watch a video today!


The Efficiency Lab is a free service where EXAIR compares your current solution to an EXAIR solution. We provide performance comparisons and a simple ROI to help prove the benefits of using our products for anyone you may need to convince. Learn more about it!


You can see our history of informative Webinars and attend one at your leisure.


Air Data helps with common compressed air conversions, calculating air consumption and some good resources for deciding what compressed air piping to use.


Submit a Cabinet Cooler Sizing Guide and expect EXAIR’s enclosure cooling recommendation within 24 hours!

Manufacturing Intelligent Compressed Air Products Since 1983