Heat Conversion
Use the below heat conversion chart to convert into different units of heat. Choose your beginning unit value on the left and then find the cell where it aligns with the final value you seek across the top of the chart. Multiply the value in that cell by your starting unit of heat to calculate your desired unit of heat. Example: Converting from “Kilocalorie/sec” to “Watt” would require multiplying your starting heat value by 4186.8. 15 Kilocalorie/sec x 4186.8 = 62,802 Watts
From / to |
BTU/hr |
BTU/min |
Ton (refrigeration) |
Kilocalorie/sec |
Watt |
BTU/hr |
1 |
0.016667 |
8.333E-05 |
7.005E-05 |
0.2931 |
BTU/min |
60 |
1 |
0.005 |
4.203E-03 |
17.544 |
Ton (refrigeration) |
12,000 |
200 |
1 |
1.19 |
2.84E-04 |
Kilocalorie/sec |
14,276.47 |
237.94 |
0.84 |
1 |
4,186.80 |
Watt |
3.412 |
0.0570 |
3,615.85 |
2.39E-04 |
1 |