Optimization Accessories

Add these options to your digital flowmeter to gather data or provide a visual display about your air consumption.

  • Our Data Logger will record your air data from a Digital Flow meter and display it in our free downloaded software.
  • Summing Remote Displays provide visible display of your air flow when the installation of the actual flowmeter is out of site.
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  1. The Drill Guide Kit for the Digital Flowmeter includes a locating jig and drill bit.
    Drill Guide Kit
    Drill Guide kits for EXAIR's Digital Flowmeters include a 3/16" drill bit and the hole locating fixture. These kits simplify installation by providing a jig to properly locate the holes which accept the Digital Flowmeter's sensing probes. Learn More
  2. EXAIR's Summing Remote Display
    Summing Remote Display
    EXAIR's Summing Remote Display for the Digital Flowmeter has a four digit LED display that makes it easy to monitor compressed air fromm a convenient location. The display can show the current air consumption, usage for the previous 24 hours and total cumulative usage. Mounting hardware is included. Learn More
  3. USB Data Logger for the Digital Flowmeter
    Model 9147 USB Data Logger for Digital Flowmeter
    EXAIR's USB Model 9147 Data Logger connects directly to your Digital Flowmeter and is simple to use. Download the software to configure the Data Logger to record your flow rate from once a second (about nine hours of data) up to once every 12 hours (over 2 years!). The Data Logger is available pre-installed on the Digital Flowmeter. Learn More
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Manufacturing Intelligent Compressed Air Products Since 1983